Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The blog of Blabbing

Wow!! It's been a few weeks since I've posted a blog. I've been doing IC3 (BOOO) I don't really care if I were to ever do it again. (Sorry Sandra) Anyways I figured that I stop for a minute and say Hey Bloggers! and to maybe blog about whats been going on in Kim's world......Well to make a VERY long story a little shorter that the norm. So I finally finished my GED test and passed in February (Yay me!) That was a very stressful week, I was so excited to find out whether I passed or not that my stomach got upset and I had a BAD case of the bubble guts and if you have had them then you'd know that it's awful. Ok then I took in some advise and thought real hard about going to college. Well let me tell you! That was a pain in the back, it was definitely a stretched out process. I went up to the high school to take my Compass Test, Oh how I would have liked to cry. (that thang was hard) Well that told us where I needed to be in my classes that I will have to find and and add to my schedule. This is where it got a little frustrating, I was given the run around and COULDN'T pick out my classes b/c of a little confusion. NOW you can just call me a "full-time FRESHMAN" with the help of Sandra and Charity I got the correct information i needed to be enrolled into college. Now on to that nasty little IC3, I tried that's all I can say.....I just couldn't stay on task, I couldn't even tell ya what happened there. I took the test 3 times and every time I did my score got lower and lower. Kim doesn't like to fail or be told no for that matter. I got aggravated at the thought of doing IC3, Heck I'm beginning to think that it was just me because others around me got through it and passed and now have their certificate. Oh well :( I don't have time to get through it anyways I'll be leaving soon ( I'll miss y'all) I will be graduating from Sandra's class the 5th day of June 2012 its kinda cool because I get to wear a cap and gown and i never got to do that because i played around to much and dropped out of school like a moron.(I'm still kickin myself for that but I'm making up for it now) Aug 20th will be my first day back to school this time as a more mature more focused adult freshman (lol that makes me laugh)Anyways, spring is here and it feels like summer and I'm not a big fan of sweating and the heat makes me feel ill. We have been working our butts off for the past couple weeks trying to get things ready for summertime. This is the busiest time of the year for me with the pool duty, yard work (and my yard is HUGE), camping trips, and family visits. The best thing that's going to happen for me this summer is that I have my first DIVORCE hearing in July (it was a long time coming)  My kids have a week of school left and then they will be out for the summer, i feel bad for my daughter she may not get to do much swimming this summer because she broke her arm at school on Monday ( poor kid) She's got about 6 to 8 weeks of down time and that's going to terrorize me with all the whining and complaining that shes going to do. Ya know....being a mom is a very hard and stressful job. So now with all that being blabbed, I need to update my blogs and start on the next "project" (blog) I bet that if you were bored before you read this, you are 3 times as bored now. I kinda hope you have enjoyed, until next blog.

                                                                   Peace,Love, and Hot Dogs,


  1. I am very proud of you that you tackled your dislike of math and PASSED your moving onto college!!! You know where I will be when you need help with the math class. I'm going to miss you too!

  2. Hey kimmy loved the update I know i'll have to do mine for everyone to know. Anyways, I hope your graduation for your GED goes great and don't worry IC3 got me too at least the one chance I did do it. I am always a email away Kim if you ever need me.

  3. Yeah, you're right. I really am 3 times as bored. Lol,lol, KIDDING!Didn't really care for the IC3 myself. My highlight was Powerpoint (heh heh). Yeah,that sure is gonna be rough til her cast comes off and she gets the ok from the Dr.I'm so glad you got your GED,and are graduating. Then off to college! Yay!!
